Stacey Atkins

Stacey is a Certified Spiritual Director with a focus on those who are or have experienced a life-threatening illness and their caregivers. She also has a heart for those grieving loss, and those going through difficult life transitions, such as from divorce, moving or changing jobs. Her hobbies include travel, needle arts, reading, spending time in nature and playing with her dog.

Posts by Stacey Atkins

Surviving the Holiday Blues

We know it’s coming every year, yet it can hit us like a ton of bricks, the holidays. That time of year when everyone is talking about peace on earth and embracing loved ones, the frenzied shopping for the perfect gifts and never-ending parties. Yet for many of us, it is a time of deep […]

Spiritual vs. Religious

Have you heard the phrase “I’m spiritual, not religious”? I hear it a lot in my line of work, as a Spiritual Director or Spiritual Counselor. I’ve even been asked about the difference between the two, being spiritual or being religious, and here is how they are different. Religion is a way we humans have […]

Spiritual Director, what do you do?

The number one question I am asked as a Spiritual Director is “So what do you do?” I usually tell them I am a spiritual director, or a companion, or maybe even a guide. I sit with my clients and listen deeply to their concerns and questions. Then people say, “Oh, so you’re a therapist […]

Staying Power: Survival of Christians in the Holy Land

This is an excerpt from “Staying Power: Survival of Christians in the Holy Land” by Stacey Atkins, MTS. The entire document discusses the issues of Christians living in the Holy Land. Below is an excerpt that addresses the various resolutions that have been passed by the United Nations (UN) regarding Palestine and Israel. United Nations […]