Aspen Anam Cara
Anam Cara is a phrase that refers to the Celtic concept of the “soul friend” in religion and spirituality. The Anam Cara involves a friendship or a compassionate companion. The word Anam Chara has its roots in Irish monasticism, where it was applied to a monk’s teacher, companion, or spiritual guide. It can also trace its origin to the early Desert Fathers and Desert Mothers.
“Anam Cara is used here to set the tone of the relationship I hold with others in my practice.” – Stacey Atkins
As a Spiritual Director and Healer, I offer several ways of engagement.
- Individual Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Counseling
- Reiki Energy Healing
Shamanic Healing
- Public Workshops
- Small Group Sessions
- Restorative Yoga (Yoga Nidra)
- Enneagram Processing
- Guided Meditation
- Active Visualizations
- Grief Processing
Hourly Individual Sessions: $100 per hour
Group Rates: $500 per hour
Workshops and Presentations: negotiable
Contact: Stacey @